+44 (0)7970 153048
There is More to Choose from....Online galleries have limitless wall space. Here you can browse a wide range of paintings on sale from cityscapes, landscapes, abstract paintings and popart works in a variety of styles and themes across a range of price points, a collection of art that is larger than any high street gallery, and getting larger by the day.
Convenience....There will always be a place for a well run gallery on or around the High Street and there are some great ones too. However with the high cost of retail space and the growth of online shopping they are becoming thin on the ground. Add to that difficulty parking and traffic congestion sometimes it's just easier to be able to do it from your kitchen table.
Personal contact with the artist...By dealing direct you can ask any questions about my motivations and feelings on a piece of art. Don't be shy I'm always happy to help and if you want to talk about commissioning a piece to suit your individual space that's no problem.
You decide Where and When...One of the advantages about buying original art online is that you can do so at a time that suits you. You can also deliberate over a piece at your own pace. It's also better to be able to visualise the artwork in the context of where it will be hanging in your home.
No Gallery Commissions...Buying original art online direct from the artist incurs no gallery commissions. People are often shocked when I tell them that High street galleries charge artists up to 50% fees. That means that a painting in a gallery that is £1000 will be £500 here!
This is art is direct from the artist, at artist prices, so you're already achieving up to a 50% discount! now that's worth having.